Our Services
Revolutionize the way you experience dance by scheduling with our expert instructors, who are redefining the art form. Unleash your potential in an atmosphere where tradition meets innovation, making every step count towards a groundbreaking journey.
Dance Fundamentals and the Unified Arts
Suitable for grades 3-5
In this series, participants will learn the fundamentals of ballet basics, contemporary modern dance, and jazz dance. Simple choreography and improvisation connecting dance to stories, poems, visual art, and music will be a focus. There will be a performance option available.
National Core Arts Standards will be addressed.
1. Series of twelve classes per school $500.00
2. Series of sixteen classes per school $650.00
Dance Explorations
Suitable for K – 2
In this series, participants will explore the parameters of bodies moving in space. The elements of dance will be introduced and the essential questions of who dances and why we dance will be addressed.
Nationals Core Arts Standards will be addressed.
1. Series of twelve classes per school $500.00
2. Series of sixteen classes per school $650.00
Customized Dance Workshops
Suitable for grades 6- higher ed
Sliding fee
A. Speaking my voice through dance
A choreographic experience that focuses on “who we are”.
Part I: Solos – Addressing the question Who Am I?
Part II: Connections – Using motifs to connect and collaborate with other dancers
B. The Mask and Me
(Minimum 3-day workshop)
Connecting Dance with other Arts- History, visual arts, and theatre
C. Safe Practice in Dance creation
and performance
Dance, physical education & health connections
minimum 2-day workshop for students and teachers

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Sponsored by the P.A.C center
Introductory Stress Management Workshop
Thursday, January 9, 2025
7:00 PM 9:00 PM
Park Avenue Community Center
129 Park Avenue Swarthmore, PA, 19081